What SEO For Blogging is all about

Posted by seoforblogging | 7/29/2008

This is my first post on this blog that I have just created. The blog is called SEO for Blogging. It is going to be a great source for you all to learn more about SEO, Blogging and other webmaster related stuff. There will be useful posts about Blogger hacks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Adsense and similar stuff.

If you are a blogger then this is the blog for you to learn all the SEO you need. Search Engine Optimization is incredibly important if you want your blog or site to be famous and to get traffic. If you have a ecommerce site or some other service site then that traffic can easily translate into some useful customers and money!

Not all of us are experts at blogging here.I am here to teach you some basic steps about blogging and at the same time I will show you some nice advanced but simple tricks to help you become a great blogger.
So you have a blog? How would you like to monetize it? In other words, how can you possibly make money from it? Well the first thing that pops into the minds of many is Adsense. But Adsense is not easy to earn from. You need to have a lot of traffic so that you can get a significant amount of clicks on a regularly basis. But if your blog is not that famous then you can simply use some of my simple ad placement and other techniques to get better results.
I will also teach you some other great ways to earn money from. Remember, Adsense is not the only way!

Well this it! Hopefully, you have an idea about what this blog will be about. I hope to teach you guys what I have learned from others in the past few months and at the same time learn from you as well. Please note that I might make some changes in future to the overview of this blog.


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