Learning SEO and blogging is not something you can learn overnight or in few days. You have to keep learning it because the information keeps updating. And the best way to stay up to date is to read some blogs regularly on the topic. I read several other blogs such as Problogger and learn stuff from them all the time. Reading only one blog will do you no good. You need to read articles with different points of views.
One of the blogs that I regularly used to read was JackBook. I will be completely honest with you. I was a great fan of JackBook blog until recently. I used to visit it every other day and read all the posts by Jack because all the posts were of top quality and also interesting. I have learned so much about blogging from Jack and have discovered some really great blogger templates.
But lately, I have been noticing that Jack has been posting some irrelevant posts. A few of such posts is not a big concern but when the entire homepage is filled with such posts, things seem to be going in the wrong direction. Today (Aug 20) when I visited the blog, I saw links to 15 latest posts and not a single one of them was on topic and related to blogging in any way. There were posts on Warcraft, Olympics 2008, Playboy, television series etc.
JackBook was doing great till July but in August, the value of the posts has decreased incredibly. The funny thing is that Jack has published the most posts (61 posts) in August (and there are still 11 more days to go!). I think the downfall started when Jack came up with the subdomain idea for blogs. As most of you know, Jack has his own blog service now like blogger and wordpress. You can have your blog as XXXX.jackbook.com. However, I don't think many readers like the idea and simply ignored it.
JackBook's old look was not too attractive but it was still good enough. However, the latest brown layout is simply horrible and has Google Adsense ads all over the place. The banners are not placed in the right place and the blog looks like a disaster.
Finally, Jackbook has lost both comments and PageRank. Most of the recent posts have not gotten more than one comment while the old posts used to be flodded with comments. Looks like the readers don't like the new posts very much. Furthermore, as far as I can remember, JackBook used to have PageRank 6 but now it has PageRank 0. I wonder why that is. Could it be because Jack sells (dofollow) links and writes paid reviews?
Overall, I would just like to say that Jack is a great blogger and I am sure he has taught some great blogging tips to several bloggers. But suddenly, everything seems to be disappearing. He is losing his quality. I wish he would just be like the old Jack so that we could read some great new quality posts by him.
Useful Links:
Bring the political process to life in your classroom - Google Blog
I feel the need...the need for feeds - Inside Adsense
See what Obama, McCain and leading political pundits are reading - Gmail Blog
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I totally agree with u,Jackbook has now completly lost its credibility.Instead of focussing on quality content,he is publishing useless scrap.....
Well you might be irritated with his steps, but he is quite much smarter than you :P
His main work is to make money online, while if he keep using his site as a blog than he will probably need to update it.
So now he just started getting the juice of search engine traffic by posting only about the stuff which is search a lot by google.
If you look closely on his starategy then you will find that he now usually makes post for the most search keyword term defined by Google Trends.
I hope you got it now, it's not his mistake, it's good that he is making more money than he was making before.
nice post for good information tothe innovaters.