pagerankGoogle recently had another PageRank update few days ago. The update turned out to be quite pleasing for many webmasters while disappointing for others. Those webmasters whose sites gained PageRank are dancing while the others are working hard to figure out what went wrong. I decided to write about how webmasters should handle Google's PageRank update. In two upcoming posts, I will tell you guys what you should do after a PageRank update. However, the actions that you take depend on whether your websites lost PageRank or gained PageRank. This post is for webmasters whose sites lost PageRank. There will be another part to this post for the webmasters whose sites gained PageRank.

What to do after a PageRank update?

First of all, don't blame yourself too much for losing PageRank. There are good chances that you have not done permanent damage so you can still get it back. It's just that you need to work harder this time and follow the tips mentioned below!

  1. Bookmarking - If you haven't been bookmarking your articles and submitting them to social bookmarking websites such as Digg, Reddit and Stumble Upon, then I strongly suggest that you start doing so. Not only can you get a lot of traffic but also a lot of backlinks for your site from bookmarking.

  2. Link Development - Start working more on getting backlinks. Remember that PageRank is hilghly determined by the amount of (strong) backlinks you have. I am not going to talk too much about link exchanges here because Google doesn't like it but I will just say that it is an option.

  3. Leave Comments on Other Blogs - There are several DoFollow blogs on the internet that have inner pagerank. Go these blogs and leave a comment or two and get free backlink. Don't waste your time commenting on posts with no PageRank. Right now you need backlinks and leaving comments on high PR blog is a great way to do so.

  4. Write Better Articles - You need to look for ways to improve your articles. Write interesting articles with catchy titles. Try to get people to read your posts and get them to link to your blog. This is the ideal way of getting backlinks.

  5. Build Relations - Life is so much easier when you are working in a group. Join forums, social bookmarking sites and social networks and connect with people with same passion as yours and make friends. May be they will link to your blog and visit your blog regularly.

  6. Don't Worry - Don't stress yourself too much. Sometimes PageRank fluctuates a lot. One of my blogs lost its PageRank in the last update from 4 to 1 and now its back to 3. Just don't worry too much about PageRank and don't give up.

Posted by Dan at SEO for Blogging.
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  1. Anonymous October 16, 2008 at 6:55 AM  

    great blog post. I should take note of this.

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