dofollowNowadays, I have been seeing a lot of posts on different forums about DoFollow forums, blogs, directories and social bookmarking sites. You will see a lot of SEO blogs with some sort of collection of links of Dofollow websites where you can leave comments with your website's URL and thus get a backlink to improve your PageRank.

I am sure a lot of bloggers, use these types of lists to leave some comments there. As you already know, leaving useless and spammy comments will not get you anywhere and will only hurt your reputation. Keeping this in mind, you probably go out there and try your best to leave comments that the admins will like but when it is at midnight and you are extremely tired, you will definitely leave comments like "nice post". And this also happens when you are trying to leave comments on a number of blogs at the same time. You simply don't have the time and will to leave so many comments.

Leave Comments On Blogs You Like
Don't worry about DoFollow and NoFollow. If you like a blog post, then just leave a comment to appreciate the blogger's work. Let him know that you liked the post and also include some suggestions. A lot of popular blogs are not DoFollow but still there are some great posts on blogs like ProBlogger and if you like them then leave a comment. Remember, leaving comments should not be something that you HAVE to do. Leave comments only when you want to.

Are DoFollow Backlinks From Blogs, Directories and Forums Worth Much?
So you have heard from several SEO experts that getting DoFollow backlinks from blogs, directories, social bookmarking sites and forums is a good idea to boost your PageRank. I am sure I have said this before as well. But sometimes I think whether it is actually worth all the trouble (in terms of PageRank, not traffic). I mean forums and directories have thousands of outgoing links and thus backlinks hardly have any value there. However, doesn't every little thing matter? Yes it does but sometimes you have to be manage your time carefully. Posting all day on a DoFollow forum to get some backlinks is probably not a good idea when you can do other stuff to get backlinks and obtain better results.

Finally, I would just like to say that don't comment on blogs and other sites just to get backlinks. Stay up to date with some of your favorite blogs and subscribe to their RSS feeds. Read them regularly and comment on any posts that you like. Talk to the blogger through your comments and build a strong relationship.

Of course, don't forget about DoFollow blogs, forums etc. They are useful too but don't spend a lot of time leaving comments there.

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Useful Links:
Little things that matter - Gmail Blog
Search experiments, large and small - Google Blog
Make money on YouTube with Content ID
- Google Blog
Empowering users to map their worlds
- Google Blog

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  1. Omar September 7, 2008 at 10:23 AM  

    I posted a comment on Problogger and then It replied on his new post, it's here

  2. Anonymous September 10, 2008 at 2:12 PM  

    I like this commentary on "Comments." I do try to leave comments that actually address the subject matter. It is more time consuming but if I have TAKEN THE TIME TO READ an author's article, then I ought to let him know of any impression it left upon me.

  3. Anonymous September 20, 2008 at 1:49 PM  

    Yes, you're absolutely right. It's not worth the trouble just for the links. It's much more important to build a good relationship with the blogger than to just comment spam. I've made some friendships with bloggers this way and they're my main loyal readership now :)

  4. Anonymous September 26, 2008 at 5:39 PM  

    I have all of my blogs with do-follow and also use the comment luv plugin. I think it helps getting some comments but the spam is also there.

  5. Anonymous November 21, 2008 at 8:30 PM  

    I agree. I found a way to Make Money Online. Check it out.

  6. Eleanor February 17, 2009 at 11:21 PM  

    Interesting, I have noticed a lot of my time is spent reading blogs, on forums and leaving messages/comments. I have been thinking lately that I may be wasting valuable time, something to think about, Eleanor

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